A warm welcome to you,
I am pleased to welcome you to my homepage. This website will introduce you to the process of psychotherapy, and it will inform you about training possibilities and the coaching topics I can help you with. You will also find information about myself, my practice and the way I work.
I look forward to getting to know you and to accompanying and supporting you on your future journey.
Yours sincerely
Dipl.-Psych. Leander V. Dehm

My education and training
- Psychotherapist
Approbation by the District Government of Cologne
- Behavioural therapist
Academy for Behavioural Therapy, AVT Cologne
- Additional professional certificate for progressive muscle relaxation, Autogenic training and hypnosis
Academy for Behavioural Therapy, AVT Cologne
- Systemic Therapist and Consultant (SG)
Certified by the Systemic Society (SG), German Association for Systemic Research, Therapy, Supervision and Counselling e.V. (MAGST, Dr. Bernd Schumacher)
- Diploma in psychology (minor in business administration)
University of Mannheim, San Diego State University
- Training in Motivational Interviewing
San Diego State University, Prof. Dr. John E. Martin
- Systemic Coach and Consultant
Institute for Systemic Consulting, Dr. Bernd Schmid
- NLP master (INLPTA)
Landsiedel Consulting, Dipl. Psych. Stephan Landsiedel
My professional experience
- Opened my own practice in 2014
- Freelance work as a psychotherapist
- Outpatient behavioural therapy in two teaching practices of the Academy for Behavioral Therapy (AVT) in Cologne
- Therapeutic work in an LVR clinic, department of psychiatry and psychotherapy in inpatient and day-care settings
- Therapeutic work with Motivational Interviewing at San Diego State University
- Many years of experience as personnel developer and personnel consultant in various companies
- Since 2000 training on various topics (including dealing with mentally ill people within a company, the professional handling of mental disorders in day-to-day consulting, communication training for managers and employees, conflict management, change management, project management)
Lectureships and professional associations
teaching assignment
- From 2013-2015 lecturer at the Rheinische Fachhochschule Köln teaching the course “Clinical Psychology” in the Faculty of Economics & Law
- Since 2015 lecturer at the University Hospital Cologne giving specialist training for psychiatry and psychotherapy
Memberships in the following professional associations
- DPtV German Psychotherapists Association
- SG Systemische Gesellschaft – German Association for Systemic Research, Therapy, Supervision and Counselling
- North Rhine-Westphalia State Chamber of Psychotherapists